Matching Native Plants To Your Garden

Sidney Golden Wattle

Acacia longifolia
(uh-KAY-shuh  lon-ji-FOLE-ee-uh)

Sidney Golden Wattle
DROUGHT :  ✺✺✺
HEIGHT:     15' - 20'
SPREAD:    15' - 20'
FORM:    Obovoid
CHARACTER:  Evergreen, Woody
LEAF:  Color  Green, phyllodes
Texture  Medium  Density  Medium
Fall Color  None
FLOWER:  Color   Yellow
Time  Spring
FRUIT:  Color  Brown, pod
     Time  Summer
LANDSCAPE VALUE:       Accent  X     Background  X      Barrier        Border  X      Bonsai        Climber  
      Container  X     Erosion Control  X     Espalier        Fall Color         Fire Retardant        Foreground 
      Foundation         Flowers  X     Fruit        Ground Cover         Hedges  X      Lawn Substitute      Lawn Tree 
      Low Maintenance         Mass  X      Multi-Trunk  X       Poolside         Rockery         Rapid Growth  X
Screen  X     Shade        Standard        Street Tree        Topiary        Tropical Effect        Xeriscape X
      Windbreak  X     Other  Slope
ENVIRONMENT:  Sun   X    1/2 Shade         Shade        Wind  X     Heat  X      Dust  X     Aridity           
 Moisture      Humidity        Smog  X     Saline       Alkaline Soil   X    Coastal        Other 
 Temperature Tolerance    16    F
CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS :   No special requirements.
PESTS AND DISEASES:  scale, twig borers, psyllid, whitefly, mealybug
REMARKS:   A good soil binder in sand and slopes.  Generally pruned and grown as a shrub.  Most 
Acacias are not  cold hardy enough to survive in the Antelope Valley.   Acacias  do not have true
leaves, but flattened leaf stems called phyllodes.

Glossy Abelia

Abelia X grandiflora
(a-BEEL-yuh gran-di-FLOR-uh)
Glossy Abelia
HEIGHT: 3' - 8'

SPREAD: 4' - 8'
FORM: Mound
CHARACTER: Half Deciduous, Woody
LEAF: Color Glossy Dark Green
Texture Medium Density Medium
Fall Color Red Tinge
FLOWER: Color White to Pink
Time Spring - Fall
FRUIT: Color Insignificant
Time Summer - Fall

LANDSCAPE VALUE: Accent X Background Barrier Border X Bonsai Climber
Container Erosion Control X Espalier Fall Color Fire Retardant Foreground X
Foundation X Flowers X Fruit Ground Cover Hedges X Lawn Substitute Lawn Tree
Low Maintenance Mass X Multi-Trunk Poolside Rockery X Rapid Growth
Screen Shade Standard Street Tree Topiary Tropical Effect Xeriscape X
Windbreak Other Foliage
ENVIRONMENT: Sun X 1/2 Shade X Shade Wind Heat Dust Aridity X
Moisture X Humidity X Smog Saline Alkaline Soil Coastal Other
Temperature Tolerance 0 F
CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Cut off long growth at base of plant.
PESTS AND DISEASES: scale, whitefly
REMARKS: Not tolerant of reflective heat or wind.

Flowering Maple

Abutilon hybrida
(uh-BUE-ti-lon HYB-ri-dum)
Flowering Maple
HEIGHT: 8' - 10'
SPREAD: 8' - 10'
FORM: Mound; Obovate
CHARACTER: Deciduous, Woody
LEAF: Color Green
Texture Coarse Density Medium
Fall Color Insignificant
FLOWER: Color yellow, red, orange, white
Time Spring - summer
FRUIT: Color
LANDSCAPE VALUE: Accent X Background X Barrier Border Bonsai Climber
Container X Erosion Control Espalier Fall Color Fire Retardant Foreground
Foundation X Flowers X Fruit Ground Cover Hedges Lawn Substitute Lawn Tree
Low Maintenance Mass X Multi-Trunk Poolside Rockery X Rapid Growth
Screen Shade Standard Street Tree Topiary Tropical Effect X Xeriscape
Windbreak Other
ENVIRONMENT: Sun 1/2 Shade X Shade Wind Heat X Dust Aridity
Moisture X Humidity Smog Saline Alkaline Soil Coastal X Other
Temperature Tolerance 25 F
CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: No special requirements.
PESTS AND DISEASES: scale, whitefly, caterpillars, crown rot, root rot

Olive- Olea Europaea

Olea europaea (O-lee-a eur-o-pee-a) Olive DROUGHT: ✺✺✺✺ RECOMMENDATION: ★★★★ HEIGHT: 20' - 40' SPREAD: 20' - 40'...