Olive- Olea Europaea

Olea europaea
(O-lee-a eur-o-pee-a)


HEIGHT: 20' - 40'
SPREAD: 20' - 40'

FORM: Round Head
GROWTH RATE: Slow - Moderate
CHARACTER: Evergreen, Woody

LEAF: Color Gray Green

Texture Medium Density Medium

FLOWER: Color  White

Time Spring

FRUIT: Color Green to Purple

Time  Summer; edible after treatment

LANDSCAPE VALUE: Accent  X Background Barrier Border X    Bonsai X Climber
Container X Erosion Control Espalier Fall Color Fire Retardant Foreground
Foundation Flowers Fruit X Ground Cover Hedges Lawn Substitute Lawn Tree
Low Maintenance Mass X Multi-Trunk X Poolside Rockery X Rapid Growth
Screen Shade Standard Street Tree X Topiary X Tropical Effect Xeriscape X
Windbreak Other Spanish Theme
ENVIRONMENT: Sun X 1/2 Shade X    Shade Wind X Heat X Dust X Aridity X
Moisture Humidity Smog Saline X Alkaline Soil Coastal Other
Temperature Tolerance 15 o F

CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Fruit can be prevented by using chemical sprays or the flowers can be sprayed off with a high pressure water nozzle.
PESTS AND DISEASES: aphids, scale, olive knot

REMARKS: Fruit can stain sidewalks and driveways. Backlighting, downlighting and up lighting into the tree is very effective.

(1) JBGreenthumb- Garden products and information

Olive- Olea Europaea

Olea europaea (O-lee-a eur-o-pee-a) Olive DROUGHT: ✺✺✺✺ RECOMMENDATION: ★★★★ HEIGHT: 20' - 40' SPREAD: 20' - 40'...